College can be an exhilarating time, but also one of transition. In our society, there is a focus on physical health, but often little attention is paid to mental health. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health issues affecting college students. Students do not have to suffer in silence, help is available and easy to access. We are committed to raising awareness about mental health, reducing stigma, and empowering students to care for themselves through our outreach initiatives.
Backpack Display
As part of National Suicide Prevention Week, 1,100 backpacks are displayed on the Drill Field to represent the estimated number of college students who die each year from suicide. Suicide prevention resources are widely available at this event, and there is a strong emphasis placed on help seeking and connecting students to mental health resources.
Body Positivity Week
Every February, events are held focused on body positivity. Through tabling, sticky note reminders, and other activities, negative body talk is challenged, and students are encouraged to practice accepting their bodies.
Presentations available by request:
- Managing Stress
- College Mental Health
- Importance of Sleep
- Self-Care for College Students
- Understanding Anxiety and Depression
- QPR Suicide Prevention Training
- Others available upon request
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